Who says brunch anymore?
Good afternoon and hello. Happy Easter, everyone. It’s been wonderful all weekend. An equal blend of laziness and productivity. Yesterday, my focus was working on my photography site and its theme. I finally got it just the way I like it and I’m rather happy with it. We also made it a dinner and movie night à la homebody and cooked some rather delicious chicken and vegetables while watching “The Factory” with John Cusack. It was an okay movie, though I did not care much for the ending.
Today I chose the lazy route. What a lovely day it is. The temperature is perfect, the skies are blue and there is a wonderful breeze blowing through. It was a perfect day for us to go for a walk and walk we did. I hate being cooped up indoors for too long. Especially on days such as today when it is so lovely outdoors. I love days where there are no plans, just taking it easy and going with the wind. It is how we ended up going out for brunch at Panera and then our relaxing walk to burn off some of that deliciousness that we ate. We even make a pit stop by our local U-pick to grab some local grown goodness.
It’s a scary world lately when it comes to eating, between GMO and pesticides, it’s difficult to know what we are eating anymore. Today however, I didn’t much care. I had a craving and fed in to it. Here is what was on the menu for me today. It really wasn’t the best choice when it comes to my eating healthy, however my taste buds surely thanked me afterwards. I didn’t even get to my sandwich and had to take it home. At least I didn’t stuff my face and I have a snack for later.
Let’s not forget the mandatory cafe mocha. That is definitely my staple item when I go to Panera.
Now it’s time for me to do some editing on a set of photos I’ve been snapping over the last couple of days. What a shame, I get to be lazy and productive at the same time. Oh woe is me. I hope today is wonderful for you as it has been for us. Be easy and smile.
With love,
The Queen