Death cab for cutie
Today was a great day. Funny to think of it like that when its pointed out that I spent the day driving around in a van converted in to what I call the “death cab”. You see, my significant other is a cremator by trade. It’s what he does for a living. Today however, he was filling in for the pick-up driver who needed to take the day off. As for me, well, I wanted to go along for the ride. Blame it on my at times morbid personality. I just could not help but want to go funeral home by funeral home, picking up the deceased and taking them to the crematory. Of course we had to stop by for a bite to eat before the work day and Panera was certainly calling my name. That salmon salad on the menu is positively divine. I most certainly had my fill. After brunch, it was time to get on the road. I think the part I enjoyed the most was getting quality time with my wolf. I think some of the best time to be had between two people is on a road trip, even if it’s just around the city.