Sometimes I wonder if it’s just me, or if society really has changed that much. On a daily basis I witness a growing normal of people getting upset over the slightest of things. Just this morning while waiting for the train, there was one woman getting all bent out of shape when an elderly lady tripped and bumped in to her. It was an innocent accident and this woman was livid, spewing all sorts of profanity towards this elderly woman that honestly seemed confused about what she did that was so wrong. The expression on this poor woman’s face nearly broke my heart. It wasn’t even a hard hit by any means, just a tap. Granted, I know there are things to get upset about. There are plenty of things one would have every reason in the world to get angry about. However, I didn’t feel this instance came anywhere near being in that category.
I wonder what is the cause of all this. Has the desperation of our economic situation driven humanity so far? Or is it our mental state regressing in to something far less civilized? I see situations such as what happened this morning . People are so quick to anger, almost just as quickly turning to violence. Regardless of the answer to those questions, one thing is for certain. There is no doubt that we humans are animals; animals that have far less consideration for life than our co-habitants.