Breathe in
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday and a lovely one at that. Though I’m on very little sleep, I’m still feeling that energy high from Friday night. What an amazing show. Check me out, I sound like a groupie. Go figure, it’s still possible for a 36 year old woman to get that excited about a local band. I can’t help it though, these guys are amazing. Yes, if you’re reading this UR, I’m being mushy again. Aside from the good fun, I was able to take a couple of great shots. I shared the set to my Facebook page and I’m in the process of uploading them to my gallery so I can do a proper blog entry for them.
In the meanwhile, I am home enjoying the last day of the weekend. I woke up energized and with any luck, I’ll be able to tackle a few of the projects at home I’ve been meaning to do. Hopefully I will be able to get it all done and finish off the weekend with a little relaxing. I swear the weekends are just too short. Luckily I’ll be taking my vacation time in July. Just in time for my birthday.
I am slightly disappointed in one regard. It’s been difficult for me to switch over completely to vaping. Though I’m doing better and not smoking as many traditional ones, I still went and bought a pack this morning. It’s my last one though. I really have to put my big girl panties on and tough it out. I can do it, I know that I can. I just need to draw the line and go from there. I’ve been smoking for 20 years now, enough is enough.