Comfort awaits
The weekend is almost here! I don’t think I’ve been been this excited to have a weekend with positively no plans whatsoever. To be honest, I’m really looking forward to spending a utterly lazy weekend at home and more than likely in bed. It is going to be wonderful. Finally, a time where I won’t be jealous of my cats for staying home and in bed like the lazy bum in the photo below. Yes, that is my cat/dog who is an absolute pro at being snuggly. Actually, I have three professional bums and a plan on joining them in the comfort of my wonderful bed. Of course, the lazy will not be complete without my wolf and you can bet he will be joining in on the comfortpallooza.
It will definitely be nice to spend the weekend at home doing nothing at all. After all, I’ve had a very busy schedule for what seems like ages. I want to be refreshed and ready to take on my new photography project. Unfortunately I can’t go in to details as of yet, though I hope it will turn out okay. I do know that it will be quite some time in the making. There’s a certain vision I have for this series and its not something I will be able to create. I have to place myself in the environment and hope the specific moments I envision will occur. With any luck and a lot of patience, it will turn out fantastic and it’s something I’m truthfully very excited about. In the meanwhile, I must bring this entry to a close so that I can work on some minor entries for my photo blog. It’s past due for an update and I’d like to get to it.
Oceans of love and an abundance of light,
The Queen