Experience teaches as time passes
I’ve been toying with the idea of discontinuing this blog. Yes, I’ve have only had it for a short while, however, I really don’t have much time for it. Verily, between my job and my photography, it’s difficult to find the time more often than not. I haven’t completely decided to end it just yet though. So here is another entry, an update of sorts, as it has been a while since I’ve checked in. What can I say, I’m a busy little queen.
Life has been good, yet it has kept me on my toes. Thankfully I had a lazy and relaxing weekend just recently, enabling me to catch up to present day. This weekend will have plenty in store for me including my very first photo shoot. I’m a bit nervous because I’ve never done one before, however I am also excited. After all, even if I suck it is still a learning experience. If it turns out good, my shots make it on to a record album and it gets added to my portfolio. It’s basically a win win situation.
In other news, this weekend is a long weekend for me. No work on Monday means I get to do a couple of things I’ve been wanting to for a while now. It’s really hard for me to take any personal days at work and there’s a few things I’ve been having to put off on account of it. Come Monday, I will be taking full and complete advantage of my solo time. Granted, I could have accomplished most of it this past weekend, but the truth of the matter is there are certain things that I prefer to do alone. I think it’s important to spend time by yourself.
For starters, I’ll be waking up and doing a very thorough cleansing to our home. I’ve always received compliments of how great the energy is at our place and I do believe a little upkeep is in order. I’ve been feeling a little funky as of late and I want to rid myself of any nasties that may have gotten a bit too attached to yours truly. So beginning with a sage smudging, to a lavender smudge and finishing it off with some pranayama and meditation. I think that should just about cover it. After that, it’s personal retreat time for the queen.
Well, I suppose that’s enough of an update for the moment. I’ll try and check back in few days.
Love and light,
The Queen