Hello, hello world. It’s time for a check in from the queen. I’m sitting here on the bus, working my way home and I could not be more relieved. This has been a very tough week for me, both mentally and physically. I think I would even have to add emotionally on to the list. However rough it has been, it is now another page turned and it is on to the next chapter. As with everything else, knowledge is always in need and everyday is a lesson learned.
As for the weekend, we don’t have much planned. I fully intend to crawl in to bed and cuddle with my wolf tonight. The rest of the weekend should be fairly easy going. I think I already began it properly by heading out to the bay for my lunch hour. My, what a gorgeous day. It was a little humid, however the cool breeze felt utterly wonderful against my skin. Besides, I am a water child and water instantly soothes me. I don’t think I can be away from it for too long.
I also got a little tune played for me by one of the local street musicians. It was quite cute. He stopped me when I was walking past and asked me what I wanted to hear. I told him to surprise me. Surprised I was as he grabbed his trumpet. He played “Mood for Love” by James Moody. Granted, the song is played with a sax (swoon), yet trumpet man played it quite well. I know I enjoyed it. As a matter of fact it’s one of my favorite jazz songs, so his choice couldn’t have been any more perfect. Plus, I love having my musical fix regularly.
As for the rest of my day, it went by quickly enough. Though at the moment I am presently sitting in traffic, I at least am taking the opportunity to give you all an update. I’ve been wanting to post a few entries with some thoughts, etc., yet I do not have the brain power at the moment. To be honest, I don’t even have the focus capability this week. I think my brain really has called it quits for the moment.
I’m calling it, too. I’m almost at my stop and the rain is getting close. I want to be able to secure my gadgets so that I can hopefully take a nice walk home in the rain. I haven’t been able to do that recently and I’m anxious to go and get wet. I told you, I’m a water child. It’s where I feel at home. Oh wait, I almost forgot, here’s some pictures of the trumpet man doing his thing.