Live to work, or work to live?
Every weekday morning, I wake up at 4:30 am to get ready and head out the door by 5:30 a.m. The earliest I get home, if I leave work on time that is, is 6:30 in the evening. That is if I don’t have to run by the store first. I spend at least 13 hours of my day working towards someone else’s dream. I work my ass off, sick or otherwise, so that someone else can live comfortably. Now I understand that not everyone can by a boss. I know that a lot of us need employers. It does not, however, make the pill easier to swallow.
One thing would be if your hard work was recognized and rewarded. However, I for example, have my work ethic taken advantage of. It’s the same for my manager. We each do the work of several people easily. We run full bore every day, without calling taking days off or even calling in sick. We are buried and overwhelmed with our responsibilities, yet rather than hire more employees, my boss asks us to work even more. She believes that it’s okay to work though lunches, stay late and even come in on weekends regularly. Sometimes it seems if we could live there she would have it that way, too.
The worst part about it is that for the work we do, we are underpaid, yet she thinks she pays us well. She presumes because she is our employer, we are her property and should be at her beckon call. The scary issue here is that ours is not the only one. I hear the tale regularly from my friends. Granted, some businesses really don’t make a lot of profit and I understand that, others do though. I know mine does.
Long story short, I would love a new job. However, I’m not the kind of employee that jumps around. I am loyal, even if it is to a fault. Besides, even if I was offered the breath of fresh air, I wouldn’t even be able to make it to an interview. I’m not kidding when I say I don’t call in sick. I can’t. There’s far too much work to do. Luckily I’m blessed with a fairly good immune system and no immediate medical conditions, otherwise someone would be up shit creek and it would probably be me.
Okay, enough ranting. I’m off to enjoy whats left of the evening. You may now resume to your regularly scheduled programming.