What a day
With all the journal type posts I’ve been writing lately, I wonder some times. Do people actually give a crap what’s going on in a complete stranger’s life, or is it purely for entertainment value? It’s more than likely the latter, however, it really does not matter the reasons why some read my entries. I post what I post to share some of my experiences and the lessons I’ve learned along this journey because there is always the possibility my experiences helping one of my readers out. I believe one should not be greedy with knowledge and life is a lesson to be learned.
That being said, let this entry begin. What a day, indeed. Actually, what a past couple of days. I’ve been having my share of ups and downs over the past few days. Luckily for me, it’s been more ups than down. For example I can’t wait until July. My wolf and I have been busy in the process of planning our next road trip during the 4th of July long weekend, then the following week is my staycation, followed by my birthday weekend. I’m squealing just thinking about it. I love road trips and staycations. I generally don’t like my name day, though usually it’s because I’ve always worried about everyone else having a good time. This year, screw that, it’s all about the Queen!
As for the opposite side of the spectrum, I suppose the downside to the the last couple of days would have to be a conversation I had with a family member on Mother’s day. I was told that I should try to make amends with one of my siblings. This particular conversation upset me, mainly because while I understand the vested interest in both of us resuming our relationship, it is apparent that the amount of damage this particular individual has permanently caused has not been fathomed. I was told that it was family, and I should make the exception on account of it. You know, to this day I do not understand the validity of that statement.
Yes, I had always thought family should be an exception, though life has taught me that while it may be true, it’s not always a good thing. I used to believe that the statement would encompass something along the lines of “you might treat everyone like dirt, but this person is different, they’re family.” It never occurred to me that it could work in two ways. Or maybe it was that I thought more of that person’s character than was actually present. I suppose I didn’t want to believe that I valued my sibling more than I was valued by them.
Regardless of the specifics and without going in to far too personal of a detail, my belief system was obviously wishful thinking. Longer story short, we humans have free will, that goes for all of us. When I had decided I was tired of being taken for granted, unappreciated and used, I made a decision to put a stop to it. After all, we had done a similar dance before and my trust was already long gone. I gave the person a choice. They chose the high road. It was that person’s choice to do so and my choice to no longer serve the cake. I personally tired of being the one to sacrifice.
My apologies for what may seem to be cryptic writing, however I do have my reasons. Although chances are slim of anyone I know on a personal level reading this, I unfortunately have to remain vague. It is far too easy to have my intention regarding this post to be misconstrued. I only want to my readers know that although someone may be of blood relation, it does not mean you need to allow yourselves to be mistreated by them. It was a very valuable, yet difficult lesson for me to learn. Demanding respect for oneself may come at a price of no longer having certain people in your life, however what you gain is so much more. Yes, I’m still damaged and more than likely permanently. However, would I not have taken a stand for myself, I know I would have ended up broken.
Now on another note, I did treat myself to a bit of retail therapy after my horrendous Monday at work. You see, I lost my last pair of sunglasses at some point last week. I’m very picky about my glasses and it had taken me forever to find a pair I really liked. I even begrudgingly tried on my mom’s Wayfarers despite my dislike for their trendiness and was unhappy with them. Needless to say I was very disappointed to have lost my shades. Unfortunately as I’ve gotten older, the sun has begun to hurt my eyes and I need to use sunglasses when out and about on sunny days.
So the search was on for a new pair. Lucky for me when I went in this one store to get my wolf his “Tony Stark” Ray-Bans, this gorgeous pair of Jimmy Choo’s were calling me. I think I about fell over when told the price. For sunglasses? Really? Then the sales lady offered me a discount. I was not passing up 50% off, no way. It was an instant sell as far as I was concerned and I couldn’t be happier. They are perfect. Yes, I can be s little indulgent at times, luckily for me my wolf spoils me, too. Fair trade though, he’s got his Rays and I got Jimmy. I is a happy queen.