Good morning, good day and good evening. Wherever you are in the world, I hope this post finds you all well. I woke up this morning still high from the energy of the moon last night. She was incredibly beautiful and I could not help sit outside for hours gazing upon her. With music in my ears, it was a point of absolute calm and tranquility that I cannot describe. While her effects may not be long-lasting, it is wonderful to know that I can still feel that level of peace.
It is interesting to know that the word Lunatic is associated with the phases of the moon. I can certainly see why one might think so. I have noticed that as we get closer to full moons, the people seem to get a tad bit crazier. I suppose though, fuller moons do not always mean crazier people. While the moon does change me, for me there seems to be a more calming effect. Then again, I am a Cancer. I am a child of the moon and maybe that might be the reason I am affected differently. Regardless, I know that I am always enraptured by her beauty.