Rainy day, rainy day. I love rainy days. Equally fitting, I’m listening to a little Morphine as I wrote this. Needless to say the song is “You look like rain”. I think it has to be my favorite song of theirs. I don’t know if its the instruments , the man’s voice, or the memories this song brings, however anytime this song plays I’m instantly in a different place. It’s a place I really like being at this very moment.
I’ve been in a better place in general lately. Despite the little issues here and there, I am at least moving forward. There’s actually quite a bit I’m excited about. Things are definitely progressing, slowly but surely. It does give me hope to know there is a way back from a completely broken heart. I am a changed person, however I’ve learned very valuable lessons.
On another note, there’s been a change to some plans. I had mentioned how excited I was about going on a road trip next weekend, though now a far better deal came our way. You see, we had money saved up and we were ready to go until I got wind that Nine Inch Nails would be coming to town in October and tickets were about to go on sale. There was a choice to be made. Go on our trip and hope afterwards we could save up quickly enough for tickets before they sell out, or buy the tickets and leave the trip for another time.
I chose the tickets to see NIN. The way I figured was that my road trip destination would still be there, whereas Nine Inch Nails does not tour as often. Plus, with the money left over I’m able to by a lens for my camera I’ve been coveting. As an extra bonus, now we can catch two Urban Rebel shows. I personally think it is a win-win situation. I’m totally psyched that not only do we get to see Depeche Mode in September, now we will be going to see NIN October. It is a double score for the Queen.
I can’t wait to take my new lens for a spin, too. I get it on Monday, just in time for the convention and show next weekend. Yes, I’ll be going to my first con ever which has me pretty excited being that I’ve always wanted to go to one. Yes, I will be indulging my inner nerd at least for one day. So many new experiences for me and I grow more excited as the days pass.