You have been warned
Now that’s one hell of a subject line, isn’t it? It’s only a half-joke really. You see, I haven’t been feeling well as of late. My chest has been achy and my tremors have been so bad that not even taking my medication has been helping. I’m overly anxious lately and I’m needing to make some changes for my health’s sake. Changes that may possibly make me a tad irritable initially.
I need to cut out the caffeine. Now mind you, I am not much of soda drinker. Back when I was younger, I was massively hooked on it, however for the last several years I really don’t go near the stuff. I lost the taste for it quite a while back. My weakness is coffee. Coffee, coffee, coffee!!! Not really regularly coffee, but cafe mochas, cappuccinos and all those other yummy good things. Unfortunately I have to drastically cut back.
I drink teas and plenty of water. However, I’ve realized I’m also drinking insane amounts of coffee. I have about 3 or 4 drinks of it a day. For someone with anxiety and shaky hands, it only makes things worse. The last couple of days, I’ve felt as if my heart is racing, yet my pulse is only slightly higher than normal. I donated blood recently and my pint was full in only six minutes. It also took me forever for the prick they placed on my finger to stop bleeding. Would I be injured and bleeding under those circumstances, I could bleed out in less than an hour.
I’ve never been like that. I normally clot fairly quick. It is scaring me and I know I need to put the brakes on it rather quickly. So here I am sipping on what may possibly be my last regularly drank coffee. I’m not saying I’ll never drink coffee again, I just won’t be having it anywhere near as often. I need to return to a healthier lifestyle and it has to happen now. Making sure to eat healthy as I have been is nowhere near enough.
I also need to get off these cigarettes. Yes, I was attempting to vape and I was doing rather well until I dropped the ball. My poor vapor shark has been sitting there this last two weeks collecting dust for the most part. It’s going back to the front lines tomorrow. I can’t afford to be weak. My health can’t afford it. I’m not getting any younger.
Granted, nicotine isn’t exactly innocent in the increased heart rate scenario, though its got to be better than all the crap inside a normal cigarette. Well, as far as we know anyways. I know there’s no real studies done on vaping as of yet, so that’s still up in the air. It’s still has to be better than doing nothing. All I can do is try. So I have one last cigarette in my pack and that will be all she wrote. I’ll keep you updated.
Until next time,
The Queen