Enjoy yourself
Six days and counting until my 37th birthday. Now some would say I’m getting old. What do I say? I say nay. While I am getting older, old is not yet in my vocabulary. I’m still living it up when I can. This past weekend was fantastic. I went to my first convention ever, got to spend time with an old friend and took in an Urban Rebel show which brought the house down. Could it get any better? Yes, yes it can. Urban Rebel is doing it up again on the eve of my birthday and I will be there with an entourage to bring in my born day in style.
It’s weird to me at time. You see, I am without a doubt an introvert and so being at the convention this weekend was mentally exhausting to say the least. There were so many people there. I mean they were completely sold out from what I heard and inside the venue it was obvious. Thankfully there was Xanax to help along the way. Anxiety meds and a good friend. I hadn’t seen Chive in years and I was really happy that he and his children were able to join us. It is kind of awkward for me to be around strangers so it was nice to have a bit of a safety blanket. It takes me forever to get comfortable around someone and luckily I had close friends to keep me somewhat at ease.
Ah, the obvious downside to being an introvert, meeting new people. It was still a great time and totally worth stepping out of my comfort zone of small intimate groups. Being at the con indulged my inner geek. I didn’t take very many pictures of the event being that I forgot to charge my extra battery and I wanted to save the battery I had for the show. I did however make some exceptions as you can see below. I couldn’t help myself. Old school wrestlers, Invader Zim and Gir. Let us not forget my all time favorite transformer Bumble Bee and Iron Man.
I know I’m a dork, you still love me though. As for the rest of this week I am on vacation and taking it easy. I wanted to be at my building’s pool today soaking up sun on this gorgeous day. Unfortunately, it is closed for maintenance today and it will have to wait for tomorrow. It’s okay, the sun will be there and at least this way I won’t be frightening the neighbors with my white ass belly. I may not be in bad shape for a woman almost 40 but I really don’t go in the sun, so yes, I am particularly white where the sun don’t shine. Anyways, let me not bore you all with my randomness. Check out my pictures below.