It’s about time
Over the course of the last couple of months I have reached some very important markers in my life. You know the ones I mean, those deciding moments that alter the course and progression of your life. I’ve recently experienced several of those exact moments. It is like puzzle pieces clicking in to place perfectly.
These pieces fall in to place in an odd way for me. It is as if you wake up in the morning and a light bulb has clicked on. My most recent one of these, was quitting smoking. I purchased a vaporizer several months ago, with the intention of dropping traditional cigarettes. Since that particular day, I have been telling myself to quit buying cigarettes. Every time, I would find some stupid excuse why I couldn’t start that day. It was s vicious circle for me. I started each day saying it would be my last day smoking, yet the next day always comes.
This past Wednesday something was different. I smoked a cigarette at about 2pm and I just said enough. Now, of course I have my Vapor shark and I am using it regularly. I just don’t want to smoke a cigarette. Well, at least not yet. Maybe not ever, no one really knows. I’m usually really good like that. When I click on, it happens.
On another note, I felt particularly good today. I took my mom for some pampering and we had ourselves a girl day. I was really glad to be able to do that for her. She used to always pay for my girly time when I was younger and I’m thankful to be in a place where I can do it now and then. I may not have a lot of money, however that is my mom. That is all that needs to be said. Here’s our new do’s. Yes, that’s some white hair on me. I’ve had grays, only now I’m letting a particularly thick section of it to grow out. It will be my Rogue streak if it grows out as I wish for it to.