In and Out of Water
Hello readers. As usual, I haven’t been around much. I have to say that between my life, my photography and my job, I haven’t had much time for social networks. I try to be around as much as possible, though to be honest, I have my priorities. Besides, I am always within reach to my friends. Not to digress, however, back to this post. I have been on a bit of a roller coaster as of late. There has been a couple of decisions I have had to make and I have had a sick doggie. The bright side is, all has worked out quite lovely. The doggie is healthy and sound despite having 16 teeth removed. I suppose it is the unfortunately causalities of getting old. He’s doing absolutely perfect though and pretty much back to his old self. As for me, I might be getting older, however I am by no means old, not yet anyways. There will be plenty of time to get old later.
Speaking of which, let me tell you Fishoutawata at Tobacco Road this weekend. What an incredible time and an amazing group of people. Not only did I meet some very cool peeps, I had a great time with friends and saw some fantastic bands. I only have two regrets, not getting there earlier and not being able to make it out to Will Call later with my people. Aside from that, the evening was phenomenal. I even wanted dreads come the end of the night, as if my curly fro isn’t enough. But seriously, Pages and the Outahand, The Cornerstoners and Urban Rebel, those alone were worth heading out to go see. It is great in a day where your radio is filled with trendy, generic crap, bands like them exist. It gives you faith in the music industry, especially the Miami music scene. These guys are not just high energy, they are positive energy and it makes all the difference in the world.
I love that my photography has brought me back in to scene, even more so that it has connected me with wonderful people whom I can share my energy with and take theirs in as well. Most of all, I would love to thank Urban Rebel for not only supporting my work, but being a fan as well. Mutual respect and admiration is an amazing feeling. Now, let me share you with my favorite moments of the night. Charlie Chaplin made an appearance and even Pokey was getting down with us.