All day, all night
Nothing beats a lazy Sunday. Well to be honest, I’m not entirely being lazy. I am now in the process of going through some 500 photos taken Friday night at Moonchine Bistro. Man, what a night. All 3 bands were fantastic. The Erick Vick Band, Barrioactivo and Urban Rebel all rocked it, though I’m tipping my hat to Urban Rebel again. Those guys never fail to impress. Even on such a tiny stage, they took over and shut it down.
Since it was such a small venue and their space was limited it was a very intimate performance. Trip took advantage by stepping out on to the floor reeling us in for some crowd interaction and the crowd loved it. We were even twice blessed with Micheleangelo from The Cornerstoners joining them on stage. What a phenomenal night full of epic moments, it is no wonder why I love going to see them do what they do. It is always a great high to see them in their element. They are without a doubt, kings and queens of the stage. As for myself, I was happily clicking away behind the lens. I actually got so carried away a few times and unfortunately got caught in the middle of some of that energy. I do apologize for getting in the way. I know that there were a few times I looked up and had nothing but crotch in front of me. Nonetheless, they made a Queen feel special and honored me with a song dedication. Talk about love and appreciation for their fans.
Now, let me return to my editing. I can’t wait to share these with the world. I will share a few of the ones I am presently working on. What can I say, I’m excited working on this set.
Thank you for the write up Nd support! I can’t wait for the pics!!!! :))))
🙂 hopefully I wasn’t too much in the way
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