Next lifetime
There was no way to know, no way to even begin to guess, what last Sunday and all of this past week would hold for myself and for my family. It is so surreal. What began as just an everyday visit to my grandparent’s house with my mother, turned out to be one of the last times I would see my loving aunt alive. I’m still in shock as to how quickly it came to be. No longer will I be getting daily calls checking to see if I made it safely to where I was going. No more receiving care packages of love just because she was thinking of me.
It all began like any normal day. My mother picked me up early morning and we had our regular coffee stop at Starbucks en route to grandma’s. I would have never imagined what we would be arriving to would be changing our lives forever. Normally when we get to my grandparent’s house she’s waiting for us outside, this time however; she wasn’t there to greet us. Instead she was inside the home laying in bed with abdominal pain. The household believed she either had a stomach virus or the Taco Bell she had the prior evening had not sat well. They couldn’t have been more wrong.
I lost my aunt this last Wednesday night. In the blink of an eye she was ripped from this plane. My second mom was elevated and is now at peace; however I am missing her terribly. She had a rough life and I’m happy she no longer has to struggle with it, though I ache with the thought of her no longer being here. I will always carry her in my heart and will keep her alive for eternity. There will be a time where we shall meet again.