Lately I’ve felt the urge to write, to express what’s locked within my core. The words, however, escape me. There are no words it seems. How can one articulate what truly lies beneath when words are so quickly misunderstood? Words, like photographs, are left to interpretation. What is there, what was created and how it’s perceived. I don’t know what one sees when they look at one of my pictures and in the same regard, they don’t know what I saw when capturing the image.
That being said, it can be struggle to communicate feeling in any format, though the written word perhaps is the most difficult. More so in today’s day and age where technology has embedded itself in our culture. Words become lost, not only from being written. They can and often times are, lost in digital translation. I miss conversations. True conversations where we express ourselves, our views and thoughts. Where connections are not only made, but deepened. It’s as if the convenience that technology affords us when it comes to communication, at the same time, cheapens it. I am lucky to have some deep connections that I hold dear, though I can’t recall when I last formed a new one.
As a person who deeply values friendships it saddens me to see people know each other one, two years, and not really know one another. Are we to simply be satisfied with superficial socialization? Or are we to be content with only relationships of the past, no longer forming new bonds and strengthening one another? It’s scary to watch movies with futuristic plots showing humans no longer speaking face to face, simply communicating via some piece of technology. What would come next no hugs, no embraces? Would we lose what makes us human?
I wonder what that would do to my gift of feeling my loved one’s pains and joys without even having spoken with them. Would my ability to connect on a deeper psychic level be rendered dormant? Would I no longer know that someone I know is upset or in distress without? Would I still feel their joy? I know I would miss it.
I suppose I’ll bring this post to a close. Perhaps my words won’t fail me later and I’ll take my thoughts to paper. I might just pick up the phone.