Carnivores Tour
Today I come to you an incredibly content and happy queen. As a long time fan of 30 Seconds To Mars, it’s been a great desire of mine to go see them live. Well, Friday night I finally received the opportunity to, alongside AFI and Linkin Park. What an amazing night. I couldn’t have thought of a better way to spend it. AFI was good, though they’re not really my style. Nonetheless, their performance was solid and the crowd enjoyed them. I was waiting for the band I went to see, 30 Seconds.
As soon as Tomo began beating on those drums for the beginning of “Birth”, I immediately lit up. What an entrance to say the least. The entire performance was phenomenal. The way Jared not only reached out to the crowd, but also brought him in his world, was incredible. More often than not he was leading the audience in singing along and even went out in to the stands and he even brought about 20 or so of them on stage with him. What an experience that must have been. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to be up there, though it in no way took away from my enjoyment. Vocally, Jared Leto killed me. The emotion he puts in to his art, is even more amazing live. You feel his emotion in through his voice.
About the only downside I could think of was the hour and a half wait for Linkin Park. I know they are notorious for a long set-up though I was starting to get a bit restless along with the rest of the crowd. When they did come out on stage, they were great. I was pleased with the fact that not only was some of their newer stuff played, they threw in some of their older stuff as well. Hybrid Theory was/is such an anthem to my life that I’m rather partial. Then again, who here doesn’t connect to several of those songs on a personal level? While I heard that their performance was below their usual standard, as a first timer, I have no complaints. Of course I had to memorialize the moment and here are some pictures and videos. Excuse the quality of course.
30 Seconds to Mars
Linkin Park
I have three more videos to share with you, however I’m only able to upload so many in one day, so make sure to check back after Monday for a few more snippets.
Thank you so much for your time.