Locked and loaded
I went from wanting to delete this blog, to thinking of what to post next. It won’t always be that way. Catching my interest is one thing, keeping it is another one entirely. While I enjoy writing, my writing is more for me. After all, not many can crawl inside my mind and even fewer can handle it. That’s the life of an INTJ I suppose. The one good thing is that I’m very comfortable with myself and my paradoxes. “A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” I am who I am and I’ve long since ceased editing myself for anyone. Well, within reason. I am an empathetic and compassionate person after all.
I’m particularly good at accepting people for who and what they are however, I honestly think that one thing the world is lacking is people being real with themselves. More and more every day I witness it. People feeling one way, then doing or saying something else. While I understand most people put on that mask when it comes to being in the workforce, I just don’t understand it being of benefit in interpersonal communications. I think we are losing our ability to communicate ourselves and our true thoughts and feelings. The world is becoming dry and all that seems to be present is a superficial love. There’s no connection down to the deeper levels, the type that comes from within. We are losing our ability to communicate with one another on a real level. While social media makes it easier to stay in touch and reach out to more people. There’s less talk of dreams and passions and beliefs and more filler conversations about the weather and what this other person doing or whatnot. We are being reduced to emojis or as I’m beginning to realize, the modern day version of cavemen drawing stick figures on walls. It’s off-putting and a bit of a turn off for myself to be honest.
People are afraid of being vulnerable, of showing their real selves and hide it behind passive aggressive actions. Granted, I know there are people out there that suck. I won’t even begin to count how many I’ve met. That being said I understand one being guarded. I myself am. Human beings on a whole are become more selfish and self serving as the days go by, however there are good people out there. Ones that get high off of real talk. People that when you share your driving force, your aspirations, get excited for you and want to hear more. Granted I can only speak for myself in this regard however I’m bored of small talk. On occasion is fine but I don’t have much time to spare on the superficial. I’m the type of person that not only craves, but needs to be stimulated on a deeper level.
So that’s my rant for the moment. Please feel free to share your thoughts.
— the Queen