Nourish your soul
Where do I begin? For starters let’s say that this post has been on my mind for a couple of days now, yet the pesky thing called time continues to be elusive. Between responsibility and duty, there hasn’t been much time as of late. Still, I persist and here I am with this entry. I suppose you could say my present state is a major contributor on its subject matter. So to get on with it.
I’m a giver. I spoil my friends with whatever time and effort I have available. It’s how I’m built. I don’t care if it’s the food on my plate, my last quarter tank of gas, or if I’m running on no sleep, you ask, I’m there. Even if you don’t ask, and I see there is something I can give, I do. It makes me feel good to know that if nothing else, I least I made someone’s day a little brighter, or a little less lonely, etc. Problem with that is while there are givers like me, there’s also takers. Some don’t even realize that they are. That’s not to say there is anything wrong with them, it’s simply a fact. With every ying, there is a yang. It’s the balance of all things. It does however mean that givers like me need to know their limits before they risk giving away too much of themselves. It’s always been my struggle to learn how to say no.
The saying goes, “givers need to set their limits because takers don’t”. At the end of the day everyone needs to make sure that above all, you nourish yourself and take care of your needs. “You can’t feed anyone off an empty plate.” That’s where I’m at now, I’m working on myself and making sure that I do not give too much of myself away without placing some of my efforts and attention on myself. I’ve been called selfish, I’ve even been called a bitch for saying no. Guess what? It is what it is, it was what it was, and so it goes. So yes, I’m looking out for me. Spending time with those I love, connecting on a deeper level with them as well as myself. I’m doing what I love and working towards a future while enjoying the present. Eat right, love hard and follow your passions though don’t forget to have fun. Above it all, nourish your soul.