Beach Therapy
What to do when four walls make you restless and you feel pulled in all directions? Well, one of the things I love to do when I’m feeling that way and I need a little breathing room is to head to the beach. Then again, being a Cancerian, water calls to me constantly. No matter how I’m feeling, just being near a body of it instantly soothes me. It’s tranquility at its base. So when Saturday night rolled around and I heard her call, I instantly knew I needed to go to the beach. Sunday’s game plan was set.
What a beautiful day it turned out to be too. I made it a point to get up early so that I could enjoy the cool water and the warm sun before it set itself to broil. Yes, I got up early on a lazy Sunday but oh man, was it worth it. I ended up staying a little longer than I expected and now have a slight sunburn to contend with, though it was certainly worth it. Between my swims in the cool water, to headphones on and laying out taking in the sun, I couldn’t have imagined a better way to spend a Sunday.
I highly recommend it. It really is a fantastic way to decompress from the day to day dramas. And with how testy people have been lately, it seems more people could use some stress relief.