Gratitude and blessings
I haven’t even thought of this site in quite some time. It truthfully has been over a year. But this post, I think it is one that deserves to be written. One that comes from the bottom of my heart and soul.
We all get carried away with our lives. Between responsibilities, obligations and the monotony that can be in our day to day, time just seems to pass us by. Just yesterday it was November 2018 and now here we are in March of 2019. In the blink of an eye four months have passed. Life literally can pass you by if you’re not paying attention. If you’re so focused on your end destination that you forget to be here now.
Think about it, you never know what tomorrow can bring. Your entire existence can change in one moment. It’s scary isn’t it? You’ve seen it happen. People are here one day and gone the next. Some expected, some by surprise and we don’t necessarily get to choose. But I’m not about to engage in an existential tangent. This isn’t about that.
I’m here to say thank you. You see, I’m guilty of getting carried away with the grind at times. While it’s not too often, it happens. We are all human. But we have today. I have today and I appreciate the presence of those I love. That’s why I make time to say thank you and show them that they are special to me in action. I don’t expect them to simply know it. It might not be grand gestures but they are done with my heart nonetheless.
So yes, I send random messages, memes, videos that make me think of you or that I feel you’d enjoy. Sometimes I’ll even post a little something on one of my social media platforms because let’s face it, we get lost in our screens at times and with my being a photographer, it almost is a part of the profession. It’s my way of slipping things in during our day to day life to show my love and appreciation.
My friendships and relationships mean so much to me. I’ve never been a financially focused person. Money burns, money spends. So long as I have somewhere to lay my head and food to eat, I am blessed. The things I cherish money can’t buy. I am thankful to have some pretty damn amazing people in my life. You inspire and keep me going when things get rough.
While I may not always be smiling outwardly (my resting bitch face is on point), my heart smiles to know that I have you guys in my life. Family friends, muses, I thank you. I love you. You are and will continue to be a part of my journey and I carry you in my heart. Even when I’m behind the lens. I’ll make you proud.