Today’s Environment
This isn’t about the environment in terms of global warming, health crisis, etc. I wanted to take a moment to just speak in general regarding the state of us as humans you could say. Perhaps the term environment might not be the best choice of wording, or maybe just the right phrase indeed.
I haven’t written publicly in a while. It has been almost a year, to be honest. While I maintain writing on a personal level, there doesn’t seem to be as much interest in the written word by most as of late and so I’ve always just reserved my time to other forms of expression. Ones that appear to be easier to digest for the general public, images. After all, we do seem to be regressing in a sense when it comes to communication.
Which brings me to the topic of this entry, communications. It will more than likely become more apparent as most of the world is succumbing to some form of a lockdown or another. Staying at home and limiting your physical proximity to one another is showing us how much, or how little we actually do communicate. Society has had us so ingrained with the hustle that it’s almost as if we are pushed in to always having to be doing something. However, that’s not always a good thing.
In some ways, it forces a disconnect between humanity and our selves. After all, how many of you take the time to read and actually process what it is your reading rather than just taking it at face value? How many of you listen to music and rather than allowing yourselves to feel it, you analyze how it was written or composed instead?
How many of you make it a point to pursue and do what makes you happy within? How many of you have stepped away from society’s idea of success and have pursued your happiness? I’m not talking about being an image people admire, not a bank account, not even the ideal family life. I’m speaking of what speaks to your soul, what sparks that divine energy within each of us.
Granted, maybe some of you might think that those things will make you happy. Maybe it will. I am of the mindset however that there is more to life than finances or social successes. Now, what I’m saying might be a bit scattered as I’m really just writing off the top of my head with no draft so bear with me.
I’ve just noticed that there is a disconnect. That we, as a society, have stopped being our true selves. We are so focused on maintaining images, that we hide from the world and from each other. Have you noticed that words are used less and emoji’s are used more? I know that cavemen used pictograms to “write” their stories but we have so many words in the human language, so much choice when it comes to expressing our thoughts. Why not save the pictures to illustrate your wording as opposed to reducing it to a GIF or an emoji.
Here’s one example. Have you noticed that the word “I” is becoming more absent when expressing? How many of you tell your friends and family “I love you”, “I’m proud of you”, “I miss you”, etc.? More and more every day I see and read just “miss you, love you” and so on. It doesn’t even have to be that mushy, it even applies to us talking about something we like or enjoy like “I love this/that”.
I don’t know, maybe I’m the only one who thinks this way. I’m not sure. What do know is that now that our “doing stuff” is being limited, perhaps we can learn to talk once again, to connect to not just ourselves, but to others. And yes, while physically we may be having to be isolated, that does not mean communications have to be impacted.
Don’t get me wrong, I would much rather have face to face conversations. I love hearing tones, the emotion in their tone. Their joy and even the sadness behind their eyes. I love seeing and connecting with the human behind the mask, feeling their energy. For now though, we do with what we have and especially with our self-quarantines, our choices are limited.
Sadly, teleportation isn’t an option yet we do have the technology. So pick up the phone, send a message, a video, talk to one another. You may not vibe with everyone and you can’t push someone close to you but don’t allow distance to keep you from the ones you care for. Use your words. Value those who love and support you for you. Don’t let those connections fade.