What is another revolution without a celebration? I’m not speaking of a party. I’m talking about celebrating the days of your life. If you can’t be this extra on your born day, when can you?
I read somewhere that you have reached a level of maturity when you treat your birthday as any other day. I don’t really agree with that. I think that life should be celebrated. Milestones should be celebrated. That level of celebration is in fact an indicator of maturity. We are more than halfway through 2020 and while it’s been an unusually rougher year than most, dealing with the loss of three lights in my life in three consecutive weeks and of course, this pandemic that still has a hold of us going on for months. It has only highlighted those things that truly matter most to me.
Yes, it is my birthday today and I find myself ever so thankful. Not only have I made it through this thing called “life” up on through today, I have so much to be thankful for. That goes for both the good and the bad. The health and happiness of my loved ones as well as the connections shared between us and the importance of maintaining those connections. While my original birthday plans are temporarily placed on hold, it is of little consequence. You see, on my birthday I am thankful for my friends, family, and those I hold dear. I am thankful for the late-night and random phone calls, to sweet video and voice messages. They continue to warm my heart. It truly is all about the little things that mean the most.
I know that I for one, am certainly living this next revolution around the sun in the best way possible. I am living it with gratitude and love. Despite what is going on presently in the world, I am thankful for what I have in my life. To me, that is the most important part of living and that is what I intend to do. I will not live in half mesas. I do not love in half measure and I make sure that all those I love feel me in their life. Not just in words but in presence. I see you. I love you.
While I am good on my own, I am even better with you in my life. Your presence in this ever-changing environment keeps me grounded and whole. You are my gift and for that I thank you. Now, don’t get it twisted, we will be celebrating together and soon.