Time and place
What is divine timing, exactly? It’s the belief that everything in your life happens at exactly the right moment. Though things or events may seem tough, unusual, or not make sense, divine timing assures you that the Universe is placing people, things, challenges, and more into your life when you can handle them.
Divine timing is always happening. It’s just not always that easy to see it as such. All I know is that I have seen it time and time again. Sometimes I didn’t think it would happen at all, or that maybe I’d just been “one of those dreamers”. Then, here it comes, and better than I dreamt or imagined. Without getting into specific details, I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the magic. I’d also like to say this; never, ever stop dreaming or hoping. What is meant to be will be.
I can’t wait for it all to fall into place and I’m excited for the future in all regards.