Connecting Dots
Quite some time has passed since my last entry and perhaps one day soon I will make it a point to share more of my writings with the world although today is not that day. This post is more of a marker for me. My way of bringing this calendar year to a close and placing a dot on this journey is called life.
Now, this is not one of those motivational, you got this type of entry that inundates all our timelines. This post is more raw and true to me and my journey thus far. I’ve been putting a lot of work into myself and I find myself excited for all that 2023 has in store for me.
This year I have leveled up in position employment-wise, I have made new connections both for my photography and there have even been improvements to my sanctuary space however none of that really matters as it’s all material. I know, we live in a materialistic society, but seriously, an excess of material goods does not bring the sort of long-term contentment, that genuine feeling of satisfaction and peace, that is the foundation for a happy life.
For rich and poor alike, the desire to have more, newer, better, fancier stuff seems to be a fact of human nature. So it is important to know and understand that the unceasing pursuit of material goods can destroy one’s sense of contentment. Material wealth is not the answer. Contentment has more to do with attitude than a place. Money can’t buy it, and poverty doesn’t give it. Contentment comes from being satisfied and thankful for who you are and where you find yourself in life. Believing that inner peace is more valuable than all the world’s riches is a great start.
2022 has really been a year of learning for me. It has shown me so much, both good and bad. I have lost a lot yet have gained so much more. I’ve learned to remain in the moment releasing the pressures of the future, forward-thinking, and goals. I have realized that it is what robs us of what truly is important, the present. I am staying true to myself and my spirit, vibrating higher as each day dawns.
And as this calendar year draws to a close and I cleanse and clear my space, I take a pause to reflect. I have so much love, gratitude, and celebration for where I am on this journey. I am proud of myself for how far I’ve come and am looking forward to how much I will be experiencing in the years to come. I embrace what is. I see the dots connecting and all taking place with divine timing. Something is shifting. I feel it, I know it, I see it. It’s time. I am ready. No expectations. Everything is always happening for me.

Don’t just learn, experience.
Don’t just read, absorb.
Don’t just change, transform.
Don’t just relate, advocate.
Don’t just promise, prove.
Don’t just criticize, encourage.
Don’t just think, ponder.
Don’t just take, give.
Don’t just see, feel.
Don’t just dream, do.
Don’t just hear, listen.
Don’t just talk, act.
Don’t just tell, show.
Don’t just exist, live.
Roy T. Bennett