I call her red
I did it! After a year and a half of being plain and blah brown, I’m finally a redhead… again. I can’t help it, I simply adore being red. It’s like an instant attitude adjustment for me. I needed this more than anyone can guess.
I did it! After a year and a half of being plain and blah brown, I’m finally a redhead… again. I can’t help it, I simply adore being red. It’s like an instant attitude adjustment for me. I needed this more than anyone can guess.
These last two weeks have been rough on me. Work has been insanely busy in preparation of the upcoming holidays and our lovely end of the year rush. I’m also still feeling the loss of my dearest aunt. It’s only been two weeks and I do know it takes time, it is just particularly difficult for me as I spoke with her daily and that makes her absence undeniable. One never really knows just how large a role a person plays in your life until that person is no with us. I will always carry her in my heart though and in that I must take solace.
There was no way to know, no way to even begin to guess, what last Sunday and all of this past week would hold for myself and for my family. It is so surreal. What began as just an everyday visit to my grandparent’s house with my mother, turned out to be one of the last times I would see my loving aunt alive. I’m still in shock as to how quickly it came to be. No longer will I be getting daily calls checking to see if I made it safely to where I was going. No more receiving care packages of love just because she was thinking of me.
There are some days that are simply great days. Despite all the stresses life may have, days like today renew you. They are serenity and shelter from the storm. Today I am love and light.
Read more “You should be higher” →
Every day that passes, I find myself thankful that all has worked out in the way it has. Sure, perhaps there are things that may not have happened as I would have liked. However, it all has occurred in the fashion that I needed for them to. As the saying goes, you can’t always get what you want, but you get what you need. Good, bad or indifferent, it has been just so. I have lost a lot of not so great things, only to have them replaced by wondrous ones.
Hello world. It’s another post from the life of the queen. I know, I know, you’re all excited. Or maybe I’m the excited one. Yeah, that’s it. I’m the one feeling good. How can I not? It really has been a great weekend. While today was a day of relaxation, last night was good times, great music and friends. To me that is the perfect formula to feeling fantastic.
Read more “Middle of Nowhere and getting funked up.” →
There really is only one way for me and that’s music. Last night my Wolf and I went to go see Depeche Mode. All I can keep saying to myself is wow, what am amazing night. These guys were fantastic and I’m still fangirling this morning. I have been wanting to go see DM in concert since I was a teenager and last night I finally had the opportunity. It was and is completely worth having stayed out late on a Sunday night and going on only 3 hours of sleep this morning. What a performance. And Dave, he is the epitome of sexy. Between his voice, naked torso and his butt wiggle, I was swooning all night.
Read more “Only one way to soothe my soul” →
This weekend came and went far too quickly. Between working late on Friday and having to go in the office on a Saturday. I was really only left with one day off. Lucky for me it was an amazing day. Not only did I actually get to sleep in, I was able to spend some girl time with the beautiful and insanely sweet, MamaJax.
Nothing beats a lazy Sunday. Well to be honest, I’m not entirely being lazy. I am now in the process of going through some 500 photos taken Friday night at Moonchine Bistro. Man, what a night. All 3 bands were fantastic. The Erick Vick Band, Barrioactivo and Urban Rebel all rocked it, though I’m tipping my hat to Urban Rebel again. Those guys never fail to impress. Even on such a tiny stage, they took over and shut it down.
Read more “All day, all night” →
Hello readers. As usual, I haven’t been around much. I have to say that between my life, my photography and my job, I haven’t had much time for social networks. I try to be around as much as possible, though to be honest, I have my priorities. Besides, I am always within reach to my friends. Not to digress, however, back to this post. I have been on a bit of a roller coaster as of late. There has been a couple of decisions I have had to make and I have had a sick doggie. The bright side is, all has worked out quite lovely. The doggie is healthy and sound despite having 16 teeth removed. I suppose it is the unfortunately causalities of getting old. He’s doing absolutely perfect though and pretty much back to his old self. As for me, I might be getting older, however I am by no means old, not yet anyways. There will be plenty of time to get old later.
Read more “In and Out of Water” →