Stay Ready
It’s been a long time since I’ve written an entry here on this platform. What can I say? I don’t have a desire to be a lifestyle creator in any respect. I do what I do, when I do because it comes organically. So here I am chiming in.
2023 was… well… up and down. If I’m being honest it was more down than up however even through all the trials and tribulations, I stayed the course. As the saying goes, hold the vision while trusting the process. Life is a journey after all and on this journey, I have learned so much.
• I learned to be more resilient and adaptable. I realized that I could overcome any obstacle and cope with any change. I learned to embrace uncertainty and see it as an opportunity to grow and learn.
• I learned to be more grateful and optimistic. I appreciated the things that I had, such as my health and my support network. I also looked for the silver lining in every situation and focused on the positive aspects.
• I learned to be more proactive and resourceful. I took action to improve my situation and pursue my goals. I also leveraged my strengths, such as my creativity, communication, and problem-solving skills.
2023 was also a year of me recognizing what’s wrong with me, and my habits, as well as getting my shit together. I did and am still doing the shadow work. Went through shit with relationships and friends and now I value self-respecting myself instead of chasing after others. I learned many hard truths this last year. Basically- I had a lot of wake-up calls and rude awakenings that changed me for the better. 2023 was very… transformational.
There is power in those transitions and wisdom in those difficult moments. They are not forever. In those days you take extra good care of yourself. It’s heart-opening when we take time to slow down, process what is happening around us, release what is not ours, and nourish our tender hearts. I rather feel it like a rebirth. I’ve changed and realized a lot this past year. Being (re)born is always bloody and messy, but I know it is worth it.
I guess you could say that 2023 forced me to make changes I was reticent to make and while it put my heart through the ringer, oh man did the clearing of the old make way for some phenomenal changes.

Jhene Aiko
There’s no place quite like here
There’s no better time than now
You gotta stay ready
There’s no place quite like here
There’s no better time than now
That’s why I stay ready