I call her red
I did it! After a year and a half of being plain and blah brown, I’m finally a redhead… again. I can’t help it, I simply adore being red. It’s like an instant attitude adjustment for me. I needed this more than anyone can guess.
I did it! After a year and a half of being plain and blah brown, I’m finally a redhead… again. I can’t help it, I simply adore being red. It’s like an instant attitude adjustment for me. I needed this more than anyone can guess.
Over the course of the last couple of months I have reached some very important markers in my life. You know the ones I mean, those deciding moments that alter the course and progression of your life. I’ve recently experienced several of those exact moments. It is like puzzle pieces clicking in to place perfectly. Read more “It’s about time” →
Today has been a fantastic day. It’s a far better improvement than yesterday. Though Friday had started off well enough, it had turned in to a sore by day’s end. It’s hard sometimes, being slapped in the face with some things. It is even more difficult to realize you think too highly of some only to find out it was just wishful thinking on your part. It’s all well and good, though. Just another lesson learned in life. It’s amazing how regardless of words spoken, actions will always speak far louder. It does make me sad to see that I’ve been right on so many things, yet at the same time, I should already know my third eye is on point. I suppose that isn’t ever going to change. Read more “Class in session” →