In and Out of Water
Hello readers. As usual, I haven’t been around much. I have to say that between my life, my photography and my job, I haven’t had much time for social networks. I try to be around as much as possible, though to be honest, I have my priorities. Besides, I am always within reach to my friends. Not to digress, however, back to this post. I have been on a bit of a roller coaster as of late. There has been a couple of decisions I have had to make and I have had a sick doggie. The bright side is, all has worked out quite lovely. The doggie is healthy and sound despite having 16 teeth removed. I suppose it is the unfortunately causalities of getting old. He’s doing absolutely perfect though and pretty much back to his old self. As for me, I might be getting older, however I am by no means old, not yet anyways. There will be plenty of time to get old later.